Environmental Policy of Wordsworth (UK) Ltd

Wordsworth (UK) Ltd is committed to mitigating the environmental impact of our operations. As a company, we believe that every aspect of our activities should contribute positively to the environment. Proactively managing our operations, we diligently work to minimise adverse effects. To achieve this, we have implemented a robust system for ongoing monitoring of critical environmental aspects, including waste management, energy consumption, and water usage. Our approach involves setting realistic targets to ensure responsible and sustainable practices. Our organisation is committed to reducing our environmental impact and continuously improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.

Alongside our key environmental topics, we are committed to conducting business according to the following principles and encourage customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to do the same.

Compliance and Continuous Improvement

We not only adhere to relevant legislative requirements and industry standards but also strive to surpass them whenever possible. Our goal is to continually enhance our environmental performance, recognising the imperative of a sustainable future.

Energy Efficiency and Thoughtful Decision Making 

In our business decisions, manufacturing processes, and product development programs, we carefully consider environmental aspects. We prioritise energy efficient solutions whenever they are commercially viable.

Responsible Product Impact

Throughout the design, manufacture, and production process, we actively minimise the environmental impact of our products. This includes responsibly sourcing alternative raw materials that can be used and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

Holistic Planning

When planning both existing and new products, we take environmental considerations into account. Our production facilities operate in a manner that safeguards the environment, as well as the health and safety of our employees and the local community.

Strengthening Relationships: We actively engage with our customers and suppliers to ensure that everyone recognises their environmental responsibilities.

Waste Reduction

 We diligently work to reduce waste across all processes. This includes specifying incoming raw materials, using materials on site, and managing material transmission within the supply chain (including packaging). When waste is unavoidable, we prioritise re-use, recycling, recovery, and appropriate disposal methods, always considering environmental requirements.

Wastewater Management

We recognise the significance of minimising and controlling wastewater discharge from our site. Rigorous testing ensures that any discharged wastewater, which could potentially reach water bodies like rivers or lakes, has no adverse impact on the environment. 


The Board of Directors are ultimately responsible for ensuring the Company operates in accordance with this policy. Responsibility is delegated to the Company’s management team for implementing the principles and assisting the business in taking measures to achieve the targets.